The Grime Archive.
The Grime Archive.
The Grime Archive.

Upload to Grime Archive

* No fields are required, but please fill out as many as possible.

* Don't enter duplicate info (MCs, station, etc) in the title field.

* MCs and crews are separated by pressing enter or comma

* Only MP3 files are supported.

* MP3 tags are automatically updated with mix information.

* Follow the rules!

Title (if necessary)

Radio Station / Rave

Air Date

YouTube URL (optional)

Grime Archive uploaders are anonymous, but if you want any mixes you upload to be identifiable, you can provide a name and tripcode that will be used to identify you. Tripcodes are passwords that get encrypted and displayed as a unique series of emojis next to your name.

Additional comments

MP3 Options
Preserve embedded art?

If checked, album art embedded in your file will be kept after uploading, otherwise a standard image will be used. Note that only PNG and JPEG images will be kept.

Use title as album title?

If checked, the title of the mix will also be used as the tag for the album title, otherwise the title 'Grime Archive' will be used.

Select a File